Honoring the Foundation for Palestine Studies: Leadership and Vision for Peace

Dear Friends, It was a great honour and pleasure to honour and thank you for your support of the Foundation for Palestine Studies..  On that rare and beautiful summer evening on the Westmount patio, I sensed the enthusiasm for the Foundation and the strong desire to strengthen its work on the Waterloo campus and beyond.  Sheila Ager’s leadership in the establishment of the Foundation is deeply appreciated, and Jasmin Habib’s deep commitment to its programs and purposes is the strong base on which the Foundation is being built.  The presence of two former deans, Sheila and Doug, with Alexie, their successor is testimony to the importance attached to the Foundation.   Vivek, your leadership and presence were valued by all. I look forward to an excellent year while I pray with all of you that the horrible conflict in Gaza, The West Bank and the whole Region will soon end. With best wishes for the holiday weekend.

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