Honoring the Foundation for Palestine Studies: Leadership and Vision for Peace

Dear Friends, It was a great honour and pleasure to honour and thank you for your support of the Foundation for Palestine Studies..  On that rare and beautiful summer evening on the Westmount patio, I sensed the enthusiasm for the Foundation and the strong desire to strengthen its work on the Waterloo campus and beyond.  …

The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine

On October 13th, 2022, Dr. Rashid Khalidi, Modern Arabic Studies, History Department at Columbia University, was the guest speaker at the University of Waterloo Faculty of Arts program on Palestinian studies.  It was wonderful that so many people were able to join in person. For those who weren’t able to join, you now have a …

Transcript of Interview with CJPME

Listen to the full interview. This transcript was generated automatically and contains some inaccuracies. Nur Watad  00:06 Hello and welcome to all things Palestinian Canadian podcast a project of Canadians for justice and peace in the Middle East. Together, we dive into the realm of what it means to be Palestinian living in Canada. We …

Cover for CJPME podcast All Things Palestinian Canadian episode with Shawky Fahel

Coverage for the Foundation for Palestinian Studies

Coverage for the Foundation for Palestinian Studies On Wednesday, founder and major donor Shawky Fahel had a discussion with Peter Larson, Chair of the Ottawa Forum on Israel/Palestine (OFIP), for the blog Canada Talks/Israel Palestine. Topics covered included the Foundation for Palestinian Studies. Read or watch the full interview.   All Things Palestinian Canadian Also …

Friends and University of Waterloo collaborate to bring Inaugural Lecture in the Study of Palestine

The Friends is proud to collaborate with the Faculty of Arts at the University of Waterloo to present the Inaugural Lecture in the Study of Palestine. Date: Tuesday, May 24, 2022 Time: 6:00pm to 9:00pm Doors open at 6:00pm Lecture begins at 6:30pm Place: Federation Hall at the University of Waterloo 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario …